2269 – as seen in

“2269 is a celebration of life and living, creativity and community, innovation and exploration"

One Day: Our annual event

One Day: Our annual event

June 6th every year is a special day for this project. It’s a significant milestone on the way to 6/6/2269 and we will mark the day in a different way each year.

Look at a calendar and you’ll see that all our holidays recognise past events or people that made great contributions in the past… We’d like to introduce a day that instead looks to the future, as a way to prepare for 2269. We’re calling it One Day.

At its core, the idea is incredibly simple. Every June 6th, we have a party and toast the future.

We’ll also be encouraging other people to do the same. And any kind of party will do. A dinner party, a house party, cocktail party, dorm-room party, you name it. So long as you toast the future with friends, family or a carefully balanced blend of both, you’re doing it right.

In doing this consistently every year, our aim is to make June 6th synonymous with parties of all shapes and sizes.