2269 – as seen in

“2269 is a celebration of life and living, creativity and community, innovation and exploration"

Predictions revealed from 2023’s annual ‘One Day’ party

Predictions revealed from 2023’s annual ‘One Day’ party
On June 6th 2023, we asked everyone at our annual get-together to make a prediction – something they believed would happen on or before June 6th 2024. These predictions were gathered and sealed inside our Purple Bag of Prophecy to be opened this year.

So recently a group of us met up in Soho to do just that. Over a few rounds of drinks in a lively bar, we unsealed the bag and took turns reading the predictions, awarding correct predictions by raising a toast to the person who made the prediction.

It was fascinating to see the variety of what we had collected. There was a great range of imaginative, thoughtful, crazy and also thoroughly sensible predictions. Among them all were just two correct predictions – the person that guessed the weather forecast for June 6th, 2024 and also the person that correctly predicted that our good friend Amy would be involved in planning this year’s party. Our glasses were duly raised!

And an honourable mention goes to the person that guessed that the Conservative Party would no longer be in power by June 6th this year – just a month out.

On June 6th THIS year, we gathered more predictions, to be unveiled in 2025. Be sure to come along on 6/6/25 and add your prediction to our famous Purple Bag of Prophecy! If you aren’t already on our mailing list, add yourself now.