We meet Harry Hobson, a deep thinker and strategist who is busy designing better neighbourhoods with his Flourishing Labs project and welcomes your input. Discover how Harry takes inspiration from Steve Job's turtle necks in an unusual way, and hear how Harry hopes to bring people together. Says Harry: 'lots of the world's problems are caused or unaddressed because people find it too easy to ignore others who are different or distant from them. It's madness that we do that.'
For more on Harry and his project, please visit The Neighbourly Lab.
Harry also reveals his favourite book, song, object and place -- all things he chooses to save in our 2269 time capsule. He makes a toast to the future, and we take a trip in our makeshift time machine to see what he feels the future holds in store.... Join us!
(Episode recorded before lockdown, but content is timeless)
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